Podcast player for language learners
Listen to podcasts, follow along in the transcript and look up words in the built-in dictionary.
Tech stack: Next.js, React, MobX, PouchDB/CouchDB, Material UI
Find your stuff easily
Stuffo helps you catalog your items in your home, so that you don't have to search everywhere when you need to find something.
Tech stack: Next.js, Material UI, MobX, PouchDB
Learn languages with podcasts
Podcast player app for language learners that automatically scrolls the transcript, highlights the text, displays a vocabulary helper, and can translate paragraphs.
Tech stack: Ruby on Rails, React, Material UI, MobX
Create interactive listening exercises
Enables language teachers to create listening exercises where students can listen to a recording, follow along in the transcript, and view the translation when needed.
Tech stack: Next.js, Material UI, MobX, PouchDB/CouchDB
Take notes with timestamps
Start a timer and take notes at any timestamp. Export data as a plain text file or CSV. A possible use case is take notes while recording a podcast and import them into Audition for editing, adding chapter markers, etc.
Tech stack: Next.js, React, MobX
German-English Dictionary
German-English dictionary with speedy fuzzy search. Uses data from Wiktionary. Installable as a PWA and works offline.
Tech stack: Next.js, React, MobX
Generate barcodes for printing stickers
This tool lets you print barcodes on sticker sheets with a regular printer.
Tech stack: Next.js, React, MobX